Chinese Pharmaceutical Packaging Industry Changes And Coronavirus Impact in 2020
There are three definitive changes to look for in 2020. First, the industry can expect pharmaceutical packaging companies to become more regulated than ever before. In the face of expanding competition, factories will be increasingly subject to stricter regulations and oversight with regard to both product standards and processing operations. Second, custom packaging will become more commonplace. The use of braille on packaging surfaces to assist the blind is just one example of taking care of groups with special needs through customizing; all of which serve to enhance the overall special role of pharmaceutical packaging. Third, due to environmental concerns, expect the use of plastic packaging to be reduced and replaced with aluminum packaging which is more easily recycled. This will subsequently result in aluminum containers absorbing an increasing market share.
Coronavirus Impact
One of the outcomes of the COVID19 epidemic has been an increased awareness by the Chinese government of the immediate need to offer more assistance in the way of policy support and guidance to the domestic industrial drug and packaging manufacturers in order to aid them in not only increasing production capacity but in becoming more competitive in the international marketplace. The ability of the Chinese medical community in the early months of 2020, to overcome seemingly impossible challenges including the critical shortage of medical personnel and crucial medical supplies and equipment has been nothing short of miraculous. All this has clearly demonstrated to the outside world that China has the wherewithal to be an international player in the pharmaceutical and packaging industry.
Advantages of Collapsible aluminum tubes
The advantages of switching over from plastic to collapsible aluminum containers are many. Pharmaceutical manufacturers give priority to using pharmaceutical aluminum tube packaging partly because ordinary plastic tubes will not allow the user to extract the entire contents and have the tendency to leave a residual amount of product inside the tube. Another advantage of the pharmaceutical collapsible aluminum tube is its use in providing ultimate protection for unstable drug compounds that might otherwise interact internally and produce an unwanted chemical reaction. Other important advantages of using aluminum containers include properties such as being corrosion-resistant, non-toxic, and tasteless.
Tube of Choice
A final and very novel feature that makes the pharmaceutical aluminum tube the 'tube of choice' among pharmaceutical companies is its unique thin aluminum cap-seal which effectively protects the integrity of the contents from contact with air or other contaminants which might otherwise render the product spoiled; thereby allowing for extended shelf life. Squeeze-able aluminum tubes contain no less than 99.7% aluminum and are ideal for the packaging of creams, oils, and eye ointments, among a multitude of other medicinal products.